The Data we Collect about You

Your member data — what we need and why.

We need some of your details, for example your name, 'phone number and e-mail address so that we can let you know about things like rehearsals, event dates, subscription payments and social events.

What data do we collect from members?

We collect names, e-mail addresses, 'phone numbers, postal addresses, subscription payments, and may sometimes use photos.

We check the data that we have on members every two years and remove it if it is no longer needed. If you leave the group, we will delete any data we don't need to keep.

How do we use it?

Any of the information listed above might be needed to manage your membership with Vivace Voices and to organise and run our activities. We won't ever use this data for anything else unless you give us your active consent for that additional use. If you give us your consent, Vivace Voices will add your e-mail to our mailing list for the group's marketing/promotional communications. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting the Data Protection Officer, Jane Howe.

Do we share your data with anyone else?

We will never give your data to third parties for that third party to use. If you agree, your contact details may be shared with other members of the group. Any consent you give may be withdrawn at any time by contacting the Data Protection officer.

What can you ask us to do?

You can ask to view, update or correct any data we hold on you at any time. You can also ask that we stop using your data or that we erase it. To request any of these, please contact the Data Protection Officer who will respond within one month.

I've got a question. Who should I speak to?

The best person to speak to is the Data Protection Officer, Jane Howe or the Chairperson, Norma Crockett.