Spring Concert 2024

What a great concert. A varied programme with something for everybody! And refreshments were delicious as well.

The audience seemed to really enjoy it and several people said they always come to our concerts and love them.

We were running out of chairs and also the space to put them which is a lovely position to be in.

Christmas 2023

The choir Vivace Voices singing their Christmas hearts out 

in St Mary’s Church Burghfield!

A fabulous concert with a variety of pieces with different challenges. Our guests said they were bowled over by the performance. Some highlights mentioned were ‘O Holy Night’ and ‘Cowboy Carol’. Our guest instrumentalists were lovely and added greatly to the music.

At our September AGM 2023 Norma stepped down as Chairman after 12 years in the role.

She was presented with a voucher for Afternoon Tea for two

And a basket of flowers

Summer 2023

 What a concert!              "Best yet" Over 100 attended

An appreciative audience who were generous in their comments afterwards. 

A talented soloist giving our singing an extra dimension 

And a generous spread of goodies on the tea table.

We were amazed, fascinated and impressed by the work of Living Paintings shared with us by two enthusiastic guest speakers.

Spring Concert 2023

A varied program of words and music produced an entertaining afternoon enjoyed by a large appreciative audience. Thanks go to our soloist, Ravi Nathwani, for his lovely guitar playing. It was followed by a fantastic spread and the tea team lost count of the number of cups of tea they served

Audience member, Marion Vaughan, shared her impressions of the concert with this cartoon.

Christmas Concert 2022

Our concert was a roaring success and the best we could have hoped for. 

All soloists performed well and a massive thank you to our anonymous benefactor who supported us by paying for the wonderful Jenny Broome to be our harpist. 

Such a pleasure to sing with the harp and to have a large and appreciative audience 

December 2022

Jenny Broome introduces the harp to the choir before we rehearse John Rutter's Dancing Day

First Rehearsal with harp accompaniement

Monday 19th December 2022 our Annual Busking at Savacentre, Calcot

What's next?

In July 2022 we enjoyed a lovely concert. 

Molly, our young guest soloist, was fantastic - you won’t hear a recorder played so well very often!

The audience was enthusiastic and we raised £550 for Guide Dogs UK 

On Friday Dec 17th 2021, a small group from the choir sang at Sainsbury's Calcot Superstore and raised £440 for the Sue Ryder charity

Having successfully kept the group together during Covid using  Zoom thanks to Ian, Jane and Daphne, when restrictions eased in July 2021 we held the last two rehearsals in the car park at St. Catherine’s.These were well attended and much enjoyed, as much for meeting friends as for the singing!